Bruce Nazarian: Producer, Recording Artist

This is an interview with the amazing Bruce Nazarian: producer, engineer, composer, recording artist, radio show host, educator and all-around innovator, from the get-down funky side of east side Detroit soul bands, to his pioneering of unprecedented techniques in digital audio and video production.
Bruce has boldly forged new paths, leaving his mark on not only the history of rock and roll, but also the legacy of Hollywood studio tradition. Having known Bruce and worked with him personally, the Funkatologist can attest to this man's intensive professional drive and sense of organization. This extensive examination of Bruce's illustrious career sheds much light on the nuts and bolts of what comes down to an incredible career in the music business. The reader will recognize many works referenced in the following articles as pop culture icons that Bruce was either at the forefront shredding, so to speak, or working behind the scenes to either ramp up the level and quality of the production or just plain creating the production from the ground up.
If you have any interest in the world of the music industry, audio production, synthesizers and digital techniques, then this four-part series should interest you immensely. Enjoy! - Hugh
Interview took place on September 9th, 2012.